How Are We Living, DC? [Check Out The Post-Pandemic Lives Of Dog Moms From Around The Globe]

Ready for another fabulous dog mom duo? We’ve traveled to some breathtaking destinations in order to meet some amazing dog moms and their pups. For our next location we are visiting a city which is consistently one of the top ten most visited cities in the United States.
Welcome to historical Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. Filled with neoclassical monuments and memorials, museums, impressive capital buildings and more, our next dog mom has this thriving city as her personal playground. So let’s pop in on Meagan and Kato, known as @meagan_eliz on Instagram, to see just how they are living.
Who are you, where are you from and what do you do?
Hi! I’m Meagan. I’m a Jersey girl currently residing in D.C. By day, I’m a technical recruiter with a big tech company and a freelance floral designer. But my favorite job of them all is being a mom to my sweet Shiba Inu, Kato.
How, or has, your routine changed over the last year?
My routine has changed quite a big. I went from working 100% in the office to working 100% remote. We haven’t been able to socialize indoors with others as much — which is why my partner and I decided to get a puppy.
Having a puppy while working from home has been a great experience. It forces us to get up and move instead of being glued to our laptops.
We always say we can’t believe we didn’t have a dog during the first four months of quarantine. Life is much better with a furry friend.
How have you been spending your time?
Having Kato has allowed us to explore outside more. We have taken him to many dog parks across the city where he has made so many dog friends. We even took him on vacation with us to the beach. He was NOT a fan of the ocean, but most shibas aren’t fans of water.
Has your dog learned any new skills or have you had any new members join your family?
Kato learned fetch pretty early on at about six months. That is his favorite game to play. He would make you play for 24 hours straight if he could. He is also very agile and can jump and balance on different objects or large rocks.
Have you gone on any special staycations or vacations?
We took him to Assateague Island which is a dog friendly beach right next to Ocean City, Maryland.
What’s one thing you and your pet learned about yourselves over the last year?
I’ve learned to cherish those close to you and that family is everything. Kato and my family mean the world to me and everything I do is for them. As long as they are happy, healthy and living their best life, then so am I.