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Black Women & Dogs: Breaking Boundaries [17 Instagramming Black Dog Mom Pioneers In The Pet Industry]

Being uncomfortable, brave and authentically you is required when endeavoring to break down barriers.  During March, L&C had the distinct honor to chat with two black female pet industry pioneers in the article Black Women & Dogs: Is There A Stereotype?.

We are so pleased to say that post has been one of our most popular articles here on the blog.

During those interviews, one of the ladies, Christina, made a reference to a statement Beyoncé made in a June 2020 Vanity Fair interview about boundaries within the entertainment industry.  (Read the full Vanity Fair interview here)  And to say the quote was profound would be a gross understatement.

Yoncé said, “Not enough black women had a seat at the trouble, so I had to go and chop down that wood and build my own table.”

Because the conversation regarding Diversity & Inclusion within most industries (including the pet industry) is far from over, it’s only appropriate to continue it here at L&C as well.

Expanding an industry or community is never an easy task but it’s one that must always be undertaken.  What is perhaps most relatable and admirable about both Beyoncé’s Vanity Fair interview and the March L&C Black Women & Dogs interviews, is the positive focus and sense of ownership each of the ladies have taken on.  They saw a gap.  They did something about it to expand the space.

So with that in mind, check this list of 17 instagramming pet industry pioneers in our Juneteenth article: Black Women & Dogs: Breaking Boundaries.

Some of these ladies are businesswomen, bloggers, content creators, community builders and regular everyday dog moms.  But their actions and messages are clear: being authentically you and sharing your story is always enough.  

1. @gingers_naps

A first time dog mom and social justice advocate who blog articles and social media presence will be sure to broaden your horizons.


2. @crimsonthecavapoo

A dog-friendly content creator who’s created an amazing space for the pet community on Clubhouse.

3. @gusandtaytakenyc

This NYC lawyer and dog mom content creator is living proof we can get us a dog mom who can do both.


4. @sharonandteddytakethecity

This dog mom blogger with a passion for travel is committed to helping all of us jet set in style with our pups.


5. @thegirlwhospeaksdog

A dog mom, dog trainer and business owner who is helping pet parents providing loving boundaries for our fur kids.


6. @callmedwj

A dog mom and blogger who shares her love of knit twinning with the world  


7. @imgoodlikemeghan

A dog mom, digital content creator and 1/4 of @influencingincolor whose dedicated to being a positive influence for women of all colors. 


8. @hannahscolourfulworld

A dog mom and human mom showcasing her love of family and fashion through her colourful feed.


9. @christinanerimah

A dog mom and creator of the amazing Instagram community @blackwomenlovedogs.  Normalizing and celebrating black pet ownership.


10. @lifewith_mymini

A fellow dog mom blogger and new business owner providing natural care products for pets and pet parents. 

11. @sirdogwood

A dog mom and business owner who’s amazing eye for fashion allows us to shop the chicest collection of pet accessories on The Gram.

12. @rawsimba

A dog mom, business owner and community builder. 


13. @homescapepets

A dog mom and business owner who’s human grade chews, treats and supplements are keeping our pets healthier and happy.

14. @xoxo.juniperjean

A dog mom blogger and a pet business owner who specializes in bandanas, custom mats and boho jewelry.

15. @styleageless

A dog mom, serial entrepreneur, blogger and black woman in tech who’s determined to break more than one boundary.

16. @chaneyajoyner

A dog mom who shares her love of clothing and beauty through her fashion and lifestyle blog. 

17. @groomingextraordinaire

A dog mom, business owner and celebrity pet stylist who takes her brand and her pups worldwide.

Please be sure to give all of these amazing ladies a follow as they continue to give us all hope for a better more inclusive tomorrow.